Following the 2018 consultation with the community, where there was no clear financially viable solution, the Council has sought grant and commercial funding sources and now believe that a workable and achievable concept has been identified.
- Size - 1250sqm to include full sized basketball/netball court (possibly reduced depending on funding)
- Facilities - Three flexible halls, a pop-up business area with IT equipment including Wifi/printers/scanners, a twelve seat business board room, a further two smaller meeting rooms, cafe and outdoor terrace area.
- Location - North East corner of the recreation ground
- Parking provision - Uplands Lane will be upgraded to provide allocated parking, and on the access road to the existing pavilion, and to the west of the building, including appropriate disabled parking provision.
- Sustainability - The building will be designed to be sustainable with renewable energy, with as many green credentials as possible and in line with local climate change policies. Additional sympathetic landscaping should offset any marginal loss of greenspace.
Please click here for presentation given at the Annual Parish Meeting showing the initial concepts.
Please click here for the Questions and Answers summary document following questions asked at the presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting and subsequent to that presentation and the conclusion of April's initial survey.
Please click here for the analysis of the Community Building Survey April 2021
Once funding is secured, the concept will be made into a workable design for submission to the Local Planning Authority. As the project moves forward, a further, more detailed, survey of the community's
detailed building facilities needs will be conducted as part of a wider
consultation subject to this survey's responses.
An update on progress to date is given at every Full Council meeting to which the Council encourages the public to attend and participate where appropriate.
Please continue to visit this page for regular updates on the progress to date. We also now have a dedicated email address for project communication for any queries and questions on the project to date.
The Project Team.
Latest Updates
March 2021
- An application was submitted to EHDC for CIL Infrastructure Funding as agreed at the Full Council Meeting held on 17th February 2021
June 2021
- The Project Team had an initial meeting with the Scouts to start discussions on how to assimilate their needs into the design of the new building.
- At the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 23rd June 2021, the Council voted unanimously to seek approval to borrow from the PWLB. An application has now been submitted, please see associated documents below, which include financial documents, budget and business plan.
Press Release
Motion for Resolution to Borrow - Report to Council and Supporting Documents
July 2021
- The Council received notification that the application for a CIL Infrastructure grant had been successful, however it is conditional upon securing a loan from the PWLB and submission of a detailed business plan. No further grant awards would be available in the future for this project.