Four Marks Parish Council

Four Marks Parish Council are the first tier of local government whose role is to serve the needs of the residents of Four Marks.

The Council currently has 10 parish councillors, who serve a four year term of office. Councillors are unpaid elected representatives of the community. Although Parish Council powers are limited, they do have the opportunity to raise issues and negotiate directly with East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC) over local matters of concern, and are formally consulted on all planning applications, taking a robust stance representing local views. Time is made available at every meeting to hear and discuss any issues of concern. 

Councillors have to adhere to guidelines laid down by national government. For details on those guidelines and Parish Council Powers see the following link to the Good Councillors Guide.

The Parish Office employs one part time Clerk and an Assistant Clerk.  

Council Responsibilities

Four Marks Parish Council
(01420 768284)

Allotments (via Allotment Committee)
Bus Shelters (A31)
Cemetery (Brislands Lane)
Christmas Lights (Oak Green)
Dog waste and rubbish bins (Council owned land)
Footpath issues (monitoring and reporting)
Noticeboards (Oak Green, A31 Telegraph Lane, FM School and Lymington Barns)
Badger Close (wildlife areas only)
Kingswood Copse
Lymington Bottom Green (including War memorial)
Oak Green (front car park and bus stop area)
Recreation Ground
Station Gardens (off Station Approach)
Swelling Hill Pond 

East Hampshire District Council
(01730 266551)
East Hampshire District Council Website 

Car Parks
Designated Cemeteries
Collection of Council Tax and Non-domestic business rates
Dog waste bins (other areas)
Community Recycling sites
Environmental Health (food premises/noise pollution, fly tipping)
Grass verges/other grassed areas
Kerbside recycling collection
Listed building/conservation areas
Protection of Trees
Public Toilets
Refuse Collection
Sports Centres
Street Cleansing
Street naming/nameplates
Tourist Information Centres
Travel tokens 

Hampshire County Council
(01962 841841)
Hampshire County Council | Hampshire County Council (

Gritting of Roads
Household Waste Recycling Sites (tips)
Planning (Strategic)
Public Transport
Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Roads/Highways and public rights of way
Social Services (including health)
Street lighting (freephone 0800 506060)
Trading Standards
Youth Services